The Bay That Saves Me!

kayakers-on-the-bayThe Bay that Saves Me!

I’ve been coming to Newport for over 20 years. Matter of fact, I met my wife here; we were also engaged and married in town and now own property in The Point, two blocks from the bay. The bay is the first thing we see when we come to town and the last thing we see as we leave. For me over the past few years, the bay has become an escape from the everyday. It gets me away from the craziness of life, business, and the big cities. I love to kayak and fish the bay and I have incredible memories of seeing everything out on the water from friendly harbor seals, to migrating false albacore, to an ocean sunfish. The bounty of available game fish the bay holds is incredible: Striped Bass, Black Sea Bass, Bluefish, Scup, Bonito, Fluke, and Tautog are all there throughout the year. I look forward to this time of year now as it is about to start the next season of waiting, watching, and seeing what magic the bay might unveil. Whether I’m on the water on the kayak or taking a walk or bike ride, the bay is always by our side. I look forward to helping the bay stay healthy for many years to come as the bay has truly become a part of who I am today.

~ Todd Treonze

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